Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My little neighbor girl

The little neighbor girl who lives next door is so adorable! She lives with her Grandpa right now, and will until the first week of December. Then the courts decide where she is going to go. I'm hoping she stays with Grandpa cause he is such an amazing grandparent! He has given up so much to take care of her.

She loves to look over the fence at our dogs, she calls them Gar Gar's. She loves to be with my daughters. This is one of the photos taken with Brandi!


Debbi said...

I hope she stays with Grandpa too but if she can't she should come stay with you.

Brandi said...

I've decided. When I have a kid. In like.... ten million years. It's going to be Donna.

John,Diane and their family said...

Very cute little girl, does she play at your house a lot?

EquineSpirit said...

Awwww...whata cutie!!

CA-scrappin said...

Brenda- I feel honored to have a link to my blog on your page- thanks, so here is my new blog page, you will have to read it to find out why I have a new one